Horticulture Hints
Our monthly meetings generally include a speaker and a brief “Horticulture Hint” presentation, many with great handouts, which are available by clicking on the topic in the list below.
Horticulture Hint Handouts and Videos
- Shop Locally for Native Plants (PDF) (Sue Stefanec, May 2022)
- Gardening for Birds (PDF) (Gail Coffey, April 2022)
- Veganic Gardening (5-min video) and Veganic Gardening handout (PDF) (Joan O’Brien, Nov. 2021)
- On the Wild Side: Wildflowers Along the Highways & Byways of Amherst (PDF) (Mary Salmon, Oct. 2021)
- Landscape Planting Tips to Establish Proper Plant Hydration (PDF) (Becky Stoughton, Sep. 2021)
- Success with Seedlings (PDF) (Becky Stoughton, Feb. 2021)
- Soil Testing (Video) Sue Makowiecki, Nov. 2020)
- Forest Bathing (Video) (Sue Stefanec, Oct. 2020)
- Rejuvenating and Caring for Bulbs (PDF) and Rejuvenating Your Bulb Garden (YouTube Video) (Karen Woodbury, May 2020)
- Go Wild for Birds and Butterflies Program (Gail Coffey, May 2020) and Native Plant Finder (National Wildlife Federation) Contact Gail at gcoffeywriter@gmail.com
- Weeding Without Glyphosate Leads to Weeding Without Worry (Sue Stefanec, Nov 2019)
- Lasagna Gardening (Jeanne Nevard, Sep 2019)
- Plant Communities (Joan O’Brien, Mar. 2019)
- Mary Salmon’s Infusion Recipes (Mary Salmon, Nov. 2018)
- Companion Planting for Our Gardens and Good Companion Planting for Vegetables and Herbs (Mary Salmon, Mar. 2017)
- Perennial Pairings A trio of complementary fall plants (Jeanne Nevard, Oct. 2016)
- Deadheading Roses (Joan O’Brien, Sept. 2016)
- Fall Gardening Tasks – Root-pruning and renewing shrubs; creating new garden beds (Joan O’Brien, Sept. 2015)
- Avoiding Ticks (Anne Krantz, May 2014)
- Growing Tomatoes (Christy Belvin, Apr. 2014)
- Seed Starting Basics (Sheila Steele, Mar. 2014)
- Fertilizing Houseplants (Joan O’Brien, Feb. 2014)
- Tidbits from 2014 Master Gardener Welcome Spring Symposium (Christy Belvin, Apr. 2013)
- Growing Hellebores (Susan Keirstead, 2013)
Program Handouts, Recordings, etc.
- Recipes to accompany cooking demonstration by Paula Garvey on May 5, 2022:
- Dahlia Resources provided by speaker Betsy Szymczak on Apr. 7, 2022
- Designing and Constructing the Entry Garden handout and plant list from slides presented by Warren Leach on Mar. 4, 2021
- Armchair Travel with Garden Club Members (Feb. 4, 2021)
- A Visit to Keukenhof (0.7 GB) presented by Joan Poltack. (Click past first two slides to start presentation.)
- A Cape Cod Garden (74 MB) presented by Marti Warren (Click past first slide to start presentation.)
- Gardening in a Changing World (Zoom video) presented by Lisa Wise on Oct. 1, 2020.
- PowerPoint Slides from Lisa’s presentation
- Climate-Smart Gardening Audit from UNH
- Gardening in a Warming World from Cornell Cooperative Extension
- Climate change linked to potential population decline in bees from Science Daily
- Gardening Product Recommendations from garden club member and speaker Sue Makowiecki, Sept. 2020
- Encouraging Wildlife Diversity in Designed Landscapes (Zoom video) presented by Matt Tarr for The Amherst Garden Club on May 7, 2020.
- How to Grow Hydrangeas Webinar presented by Emma Erler for the Amherst Garden Club on April 2, 2020
- 10 Steps to an Organic Lawn, Organic Turf Care DIY Calendar, and NOFA Standards for Organic Land Care, provided or recommended by Britt Phillips of Complete Land Organics
- Growing Begonia Houseplants: A Quick Guide by Betsy Szymczak, President Buxton Branch American Begonia Society
- Monarch Butterfly Resource List and Milkweed Seed Planting by Donna Miller of Petals in the Pines
- Hydrangeas for the Northeast Garden by Cheryl Monroe of Garden in the Burrow
- Book recommendations from Pam Hunt of NH Audubon (Oct. 2018): The Nature of New Hampshire by Dan Sperduto and Ben Kimball and Bogs & Fens by Ronald B. Davis
- Perennial Division, Sharpening Pruners, Stretching for Gardeners, Yoga for Gardeners, and Reclaim Your Sanity Through List Making (articles recommended by Ann McEntee, Sept. 2018)
- Clematis: Tips for Success by (Cheryl Monroe, Apr. 2018)
- Buddy Planting (courtesy of Norma Weinberg)
- Dahlias and Other Flowering Bulbs (courtesy of Karen Woodbury; presented at Perennials+)
- Horticulture Hint-Perennial Pairings (courtesy of Jeanne Nevard; prepared for the Pepperell Garden Club) – two shade, ground cover plants that display nice fall foliage together. One has a thick, velvety, aromatic leaf, the other an airy, delicate habit.
- Terrarium Plants List and Care Sheet (courtesy of Art Scarpa)
- Grasses Hints and Tips (courtesy of Bill Holt, Willow Mist)
- Pumpkin Succulent Assembly and Care Instructions (Courtesy of Sue Alger and Deb Ferrelli)
- Water Garden Instructions (Provided courtesy of Peter Sevier, who notes that although these instructions call for use of a low voltage pump because it was required at his wife’s nursing home where his water garden was installed, generally a standard voltage pump would be used.)