Join Us!
Membership is open to anyone interested in the mission of The Amherst Garden Club, whether from Amherst or a neighboring town.
New members are welcome to join at any time. If interested, contact the club at or attend one of our monthly meetings.

About Membership
Dues ($35.00) are generally paid annually in April and May for the following club season that runs from September through June. There is a small additional fee for a name badge, if one is ordered. (The name badge certainly makes it easier for all of us to get to know one another!)
Your dues cover an annual club handbook (distributed in October) and monthly emailed newsletter during the club’s nine active months, as well as help cover the club’s operating expenses.
Members are asked to help with hospitality by providing and/or serving food and beverages once a year, help out with one of our Civic Gardens, and donate six or more plants (from your garden, a friend’s, or a local plant store) for our annual Plant Sale fundraiser. There are many additional opportunities to be active, as you can see from our web site.
Guests are always welcome to attend club programs, except for just two that are for only members — the Holiday Décor Workshop and June luncheon. Guests may attend meetings without charge as it is part of the club’s mission to educate and promote the love of gardening.