Oct 3, 2024
Wild Mushrooms of Fall
Presented by Stephanie Doyle
Do you love all things mushroom? Have you ever dreamed of foraging in a forest; living off wild mushrooms and the land? If yes, or even if you are just curious about mushrooms, then this presentation is for you!
Join us as Stephanie Doyle shares her love of mushrooms and discusses the rules of mycophagy.
Stephanie will show us how to develop the skills needed and learn the correct tools to identify mushrooms. She will teach which mushrooms are edible, or poisonous, and common to New England.
Stephanie is a New Hampshire native who went to school for Environmental Studies. While attending her undergraduate studies at the University of West Florida, Stephanie founded the UWF Mycology Club and hosted club meetings and walks.
She moved back to New Hampshire after college and worked for the NH Mushroom Company in Tamworth growing mushrooms and coordinating events. She now works for a Maine mushroom company, Elevate Mushrooms, which specializes in Mushroom coffees, chai teas and tinctures.
Stephanie is also the founder and co-organizer of the Fantastic Forage Mushroom Festival that takes place in Laconia during the last weekend in September every year. Join them in 2025 for the 10th Annual Fantastic Forage Mushroom Festival.