Nov 2, 2023

Fortin Gage Holiday Arrangements

Presented by Fortin Gage Florists

It’s getting to be that time of year, when you need to spread a little holiday cheer.

Flowers have a special way of setting the mood, along with family, decorations and, of course, the food.

So come get a jump on your holiday décor, with floral arrangements for your table and more!

Come and kick off your holiday season with the Amherst Garden Club at the much-anticipated Holiday Floral Arrangement program.

Join the festivities as Jody Gage and Courtney Jensen of Fortin Gage Flower and Gift Shop demonstrate how to arrange an artistic and beautiful arrangement for your holiday needs.

Jody and Courtney will demonstrate four arrangements explaining the procedure to make them.

The arrangements will be raffled at the end of the program to those attending. Raffle tickets will be sold during the morning. 

This is always a popular program, and guests are welcome!

Starts at 10:30 am
Messiah Lutheran Church
303 Route 101
Amherst, NH