Moulton’s Oval
Completely renovated in 2015, this petite garden with a granite border overflows with a colorful mix of shrubs, perennials, and annuals in shades of blue, yellow, pink, and white.
About the Garden
Located next to Moulton’s Market along busy Boston Post Road, the garden is seen by nearly everyone passing through Amherst.
The garden includes blue, yellow, white, and pink perennials that are heat and drought tolerant and have long bloom times. Observing the garden throughout the summer, you can enjoy the sequence of bloom.
In June, mainstays of color include blue salvia ‘May Night’ and yellow dwarf marguerite. As the salvia fades at the end of June, purple and blue annuals will fill in. Shasta daisies will add white in early July. ‘Happy Returns’ daylilies, butterfly bush and balloon flower add to the summer color and last into September. Caryopteris provides a finishing show of blue in September. Chrysanthemums are sometimes planted in the fall.
A Focal Point
A focal point of the garden is an armillary sundial crafted by garden team member Peter Sevier. The fixed brass rod in the center points north and is parallel to the earth’s axis. As the sun appears to move across the sky, the rod casts a shadow on the “equatorial ring” of Roman numerals, one for each hour from 6:00 AM to 6:00 PM. You are welcome to approach the sundial. For best results, check it out on a sunny day!
The garden team also plants and cares for the window boxes at Moulton’s.