Environmental Sustainability

The Amherst Garden Club’s Environmental Sustainability committee is dedicated to learning about and sharing sustainable gardening practices. Below is their list of recommended resources.

Plant Selection and Design

Native Plants

Invasive Plants and Animals

Ecological Landscaping

  • Bird Academy’s Guide to Planning Your Naturescape (from The Cornell Lab of Ornithology)
  • Wild Seed Project — The goal of Wild Seed Project is to build awareness of the vital importance of native plants and to provide people with the tools to restore biodiversity in their own communities. Though Maine-based, the site contains a wealth of information applicable to New England more generally.

Lawn Care & Alternatives to Lawns

Organic Material Waste Management

Yard and Garden Cleanup


Indoor Composting

Soil Health and Nutrient Management

Cover Crops

Coming soon…

Soil Testing

Water Management and Conservation

Rain Gardens

Pollinator Protection

Differences between Native Plants and Cultivars

Equipment and Materials

Tool Selection

Garden Plastic Waste


  • Seed Saving Tips by Mary Ann Kuhnert [linked document TBD]
  • The Great Tree Migration (Link to visual article in Emergence Magazine)
  • National Wildlife Federation Wildlife Habitat Certification Information and Checklist
  • Pollinator Garden Certification through UNH/UMaine Extension
  • Get on the Map! of Homegrown National Park (Non-profit co-founded by Doug Tallamy and Michelle Alfandari to encourage planting of native plants)